Owning a Dominant Bitch
Ultra long, slow story, set in high school, about a humiliated girl, an intelligent girl, a dominant girl, and a heck of a nice guy.
Chapter 1
My first three year of high school could have been better. I was a pudgy boy and only five foot nine inches with a pimply face. My confidence was low so it didn’t take much to bring out my shyness and that is what made my first year horrible.
Although I was on the football team, I didn’t get to play much. The coach, an ex-NFL lineman, told me I had natural strength and ability but I just couldn’t come out of my shell. To make matters worse, the Johnson twins had singled me out as their punching bag.
The Johnson brothers were my age but six foot tall and lean. They had the reputation of being bullies and constantly harassed me from day one. The locker room was the worst as they would pull pranks on me like putting hot muscle balm in my underwear, or hiding my clothes.
The last day of my junior year they took it to the next level and tried to start a fight with me. I guess I had enough and responded first with a punch to the face to one twin that broke his nose and knocked him out. The second twin swung wildly at me which I easily ducked under and caught him in a choke from behind. By the time Coach Smith pried me from his back both the brothers were unconscious and I had a new reputation.
My senior year everything changed. It seemed the entire school had heard about the fight and I was treated a lot differently. No one wanted to mess with me and a few girls started trying to get my attention. I still lacked any real self-confidence but I was faking it and being fairly convincing.
Diane was in my first class of the day and she approached me just a few weeks into the semester. “Hi Jimmy,” she smiled, “how is your schedule this year?”
We talked for a while but I had no experience and didn’t realize she was interested in me. It took almost three weeks before I understood what she wanted and asked her out. We had fun on our date and by the end we were in my car making out in a deserted park.
As we were kissing I ran my hand up her stomach but when I reached her bra she pushed me away. “Let’s not go too far,” she said. I was disappointed and horny but being the gentleman, I stopped and took her home. I got the distinct impression she was surprised that I didn’t push her more.
The next week at school she was cold to me and I couldn’t figure it out. It didn’t help that some kid at school had heard about my fight and wanting to make a name for himself.
By the middle of the week this kid, who was actually quite bigger than me, met me in the hall and pushed me against the wall as I walked by. He started to say something but I had already decided to beat his ass and the first kick landed square in his nuts. He doubled over in pain and I started beating the shit out of him in the middle of the hall.
As I was being pulled off the kid by the principle, I saw Diane in the crowd. She was flush with excitement as she clutched her books to her chest. The fog began to clear from my brain and I realized what she wanted.
I was expelled for a week for beating up the kid but I now had a plan. I was waiting for Diane in the parking lot after school and when she saw me, her face blushed. She looked so cute. I figured I had nothing to lose so I played it just the way I had rehearsed.
We’re going out tomorrow night,” I told her, “I will pick you up at 7.” I turned and walked away hoping I had read the situation correctly.
The next night I rolled up in my car at her house right at 7. She was out of the house and halfway to the car before I could get out, so I just waited on her. We went straight to the park and she seemed a little nervous.
“We’re not even going to dinner?” she asked.
“Nope,” I said, “we have some unfinished business from the other night.” I pulled her to me and kissed her hard on the mouth and she seemed to melt. I went straight under her shirt and to her bra without waiting for her to protest. As I fumbled with her bra she finally decided to say something.,
“No, stop. We can’t go any further.” She moaned.
I ignored her and kept fumbling with her bra until giving up with the clasp and just pushing the material up over her breasts. I sucked her cute tits and played with her pussy without another comment until I begin moving her into position to fuck her.
“No,” she said more forcibly than before, “we can’t!”
I was going to stop and just take her home but I remembered last time and decided to press on. I grabbed her panties with both hands and pulled hard. The panties fabric ripped in pieces and I threw them in the back seat. Her nicely trimmed pussy was now in view and pulling her legs to me put her back flat on the seat. I dropped my pants and pushed my cock into her in one fluid motion.
Diane squealed as my cock impaled her and then groaned as I pounded her relentlessly. I came inside her pussy but was so excited I never slowed down. She wrapped her legs around me and began to orgasm as I pumped frantically until I was ready to come again. By now we were both sweating and she was increasing her movements to match mine as we rutted on the front seat of my car. She came first and that was enough to push me over the edge as I came inside here for the second time.
Finally satisfied, I resisted the urge to lay and cuddle with her. Instead, I stuck with my plan by pulling up my pants and, without saying anything to her, cranked up the car and drove off.
Diane was shocked by my actions and scrambled to get her clothes straightened as we headed back to her house. She looked perplexed but as we got closer to her house she flushed again like she had in the hallway the day before. I was confident I had read her correctly.
“Wednesday we are going out again,” I told her as I pulled up to her house.
She got out of the car, “But… but, that’s a school night and my parents won’t let me go out.” She looked worriedly through the car window hoping I would reconsider.
I looked straight at her and with my new found confidence said, “Wednesday.” Her face turned the brightest shade of red yet and I drove away without another word.