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Diary Of a Cuckold Husband

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Re: Diary Of a Cuckold Husband

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I can't say that I prefer sex with Rahul," Rohini said in a serious tone.

"Rahul's size is affecting our sex life," Rohini lamented.

"Sex with him hurts a lot."

"I thought such a tool is designed to pleasure you," Mansi reasoned.

"Maybe for a woman like you," Rohini countered, "I would be happy with a normal human being."

"Tough luck!" said Mansi mocking her.

"That's the reason why we thought of wife swapping," Rohini continued.

"At least that way, Rahul could get all the pleasure he deserves."

"Hmm... So, you were looking for a surrogate wife for him," Mansi blurted out.

"And what about you? You don't deserve any pleasure?"

"Rahul's sex drive is much stronger."

"I am happy having sex twice a week."

"How does Ajoy feel about this?" asked Rohini.

"I don't know."

"I was hoping that you would fill in the surrogate wife's role," Rohini said after mustering some courage, I guessed. There was a moment of silence.

"I don't know what to say," is all Mansi said.

"Even if Ajoy agrees to the swap, I can't bring myself to commit such a shameful act openly."


"I can't do it openly where Ajoy knows that I am doing with Rahul openly while he is doing it with you."

"Precisely my point, I don't want it that way either."

"As I said, I am pretty happy with twice a week sex."

"So, it is Rahul whom I am concerned about."

"Ajoy is out most of the week and you have admitted that you feel lonely those nights."

"What if we arrange for you to be with Rahul those nights?"

"Behind Ajoy's back?"


"We could agree for an open relationship instead of swapping partners."

"I can't get involved in something like this," she complained.

"I don't understand the issue," Rohini said slightly raising her voice.

"Is it that you are not sure if Rahul can satisfy you?" Rohini emphasized again this point – although, Mansi had admitted that it would be a lot better.

"Or is that you are concerned Ajoy won't approve of this?"

"With that kind of equipment even a few strokes would put me in heaven," said Mansi elaborating this time about her feelings for sex with Rahul.

"Are you concerned about the frequency then?"

"Rahul staying 3 nights with you here?"

"I have to be honest and admit that I have a drive strong enough to keep Rahul happy and content," Mansi countered.

"But, I can't be Ajoy's wife and have sex with Rahul on a regular basis."

"It is shameful!"
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Re: Diary Of a Cuckold Husband

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It is as if I am letting Ajoy down."

"Well, I understand your concern," Rohini said, "But I would suggest that you keep an open mind."

"Don't be too concerned about right or wrong."

And that's how the conversation ended. To a very large extent I was very happy that Mansi was not a slut after all. She indeed cared about me and turned down such an enticing proposal. It was clear, though, that Mansi like the idea but didn't have the courage to turn it into reality. I didn't have much doubt now that Mansi would be able enjoy her sex life if she indeed became his Mistress. At least she could have heavenly sex three nights of the week, I thought.

Rahul and Rohini changed their plans and left that evening. Mansi and I had an early dinner and we decided to hit the bed early to relax a little bit. I broached up the topic of the morning voting and asked her what her responses were.

"YES, NO, and NO," she said.

"What were yours?"

I lied to her, "YES, NO, and YES"

"You don't mind such sessions in future?" she asked puzzled by my answer.

"Yes it was fun."

"Wasn't it fun for you?"

"Yes it was and I did answer that way," she clarified.

"But it is so scandalous," she finally confessed.

"Yes, with 4 couples it is scandalous," I said.

"If it had been only with Rohini and Rahul, we could have been more adventurous," I added steering her towards wife swapping with them.

"So, with them you could have answered YES to the second question as well?" she asked surprised.

"It would be fun, wouldn't it?" I asked.

"Aren't you jealous?"

"If it had been a YES what kind of any arrangement did you have in mind?" she asked. This was the moment where I could drop a hint that I was not averse to Rohini's idea of Mansi being a surrogate wife to Rahul. However, I needed to tread cautiously and not lead her to think that we were planning this. By now, I was sold on the idea of Mansi being Rahul's mistress. I believed it was perhaps the best thing that would happen to us in the US. I still had to see if her first meeting with Rahul fired her libido.

"What do you mean?" I asked feigning ignorance.

"What would be the next step?" she asked.

"I didn't think much about it."

"I just thought this would bring us even closer," I clarified.

"Anyway, we spend most of the weekends together."

"With me away most of the week – they could be here to give you company," I elaborated.

"Rahul works from San Francisco couple of days in a week, anyway," I added.

Mansi was lost in thought, perhaps contemplating on her discussion with Rohini.

"I felt we could be comfortable being intimate with them, without worrying about the social consequences."

I nudged her to respond to my comments. She broke out of the reverie.

"Yes, logically it makes sense."

"But, I am not sure if it would work out," she said in a concerned tone.

"Why?" I probed further.


"Just that you are away most of the week," she said and then her words trailed but then she added, "It wouldn't be even."

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Re: Diary Of a Cuckold Husband

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I don't know how to put it," Mansi complained.

"I mean with your consulting job, you may not get enough turns with Rohini," she elaborated finally.


"I never thought about it in those terms," I explained.

"It is not as if you would be sleeping with Rahul all along while I am gone."

"Not that I would object to it or count number of your turns," I added in the passing, implying that I didn't mind even if they spend 3 nights a week in our marital bed. I was happy that the conversation was heading in the perfect direction and I was dispelling our doubts about the consequences of such a relationship.

"We are in it for fun."

"As long as the fun lasts, we will be involved."

"Who has how many turns is not really a matter that we should concern ourselves with."

"I understand," she said.

"But this is a major step in our life," she added, "I don't want to take it very lightly."

"Yes, we should contemplate about the consequences very carefully."

"Do you think they would like it?" she asked me. Mansi did know that they were interested in this arrangement. But it seemed Rohini made it clear that Rahul wasn't in particularly looking for Mansi to play the role of his surrogate wife.

"I guess so; there were only two positive votes," I quickly voted suggesting that the other couples might not have been interested.

"May be we should move to Emeryville next month instead of Foster City," she said.

"That way, we would be closer to them."

"It is just of highway 80 and I too could travel to the city very easily for my job."

Mansi had got a job offer in an architecture firm in the city and we had been contemplating of moving to Foster City, so it would be closer to the city. My frequent travels also would benefit from this move. But then Emeryville wasn't a bad idea either. I could fly from either Oakland or SF airport. Moreover, Rahul and Rohini were about to buy a house in Davis. It would only be an hour long drive from our place to theirs during non peak hours.

I was pretty happy that it was Mansi, who was made this suggestion. I remembered that for Mansi to be a very good mistress, she herself has to take a few steps. One could only help and guide them but she has to tread that path.

"Yes, that would be a good idea."

"I don't want us to get explicitly involved in such a relationship," I clarified.

"Let it develop," I said.

"Yes, that way we are not stuck in such a relationship," she said.

"I think, such explicit relationships become phony and lack the excitement," I explained.

"Besides, it is so shameful to do it so openly," she added smiling.

"Yes, it is too embarrassing to discuss the details either," I corroborated.

"Let us go with the flow," I said, "But let us not hurry into this."

"Yes if it happens, it happens."

"I wouldn't want to do anything specific to make it happen," she said.

"I hope you don't expect us to share details," Mansi expressed her concerns, "if something happens."

"Not unless you want to," I replied conveying that it was not so important for me that we talk about our escapades in great detail. It was clear to me that she was very concerned about this aspect and didn't want it to be very open.

"It is for fun," I added, "Indulge in it if you get the right opportunity."

"I am confident that they wouldn't mind such an arrangement," I clarified.

We arrived at an amicable conclusion that night. Although, I was pretty sure that nothing much would happen for some time. I felt it was important how I viewed such a relationship. It chimed well with Rohini's proposal.

Our sex that night was terrific as we fucked for almost 2 hours. Mansi very consciously ensure that I didn't orgasm before she was completely satisfied. We again indulged in it the next day morning. I decided to take a day off to enjoy my beautiful wife. Our frequency increased significantly in the following weeks and even our sessions became much longer.

True to Rohini's assurances, our sex life had improved significantly just by having one session with Rahul. I wondered how much better it would be once Mansi accepts to be his mistress.
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Re: Diary Of a Cuckold Husband

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Our sex life had improved significantly in the next few weeks, not that it was bad earlier. Given that we were enjoying our married sex life much better now, I was not sure if it would be good idea to pursue the swapping (or rather the mistress) idea.

Mansi was settling in nicely with her new job. Her new job was quite demanding and she being a hard worker took it in her stride. Moreover, my consulting job kept me away for 4 days, keeping her fully occupied with her new job. Our move to Emeryville happened middle of June and we started liking the place. Rohini and Rahul kept away from us for some time, primarily to give Mansi more time to contemplate the affair. They even planned a separate trip for the July 4th weekend.

Rohini and I were constantly in touch and discussed the 'mistress' idea mainly. Although, my mind didn't quite agree with the idea, my heart was sold on it. I even started fantasizing of Rahul having sex with Mansi while we had sex. Every time we talked, Rohini urged me to bring up the topic of swap, to ensure that the topic remained on top of Mansi's head.

Rohini's strategy was working, as one day Mansi confessed that she found the idea very appealing but was not comfortable in taking the next step. Although, this was not new to me, it was the first time Mansi confessed this to me. I never pressurized her but let her know, in no uncertain terms, that I was not averse to the idea. I urged her to pursue it, if she desired, without worrying bout seeking my consent.

However, the progress was very slow and I was not sure if Mansi would bite the bullet. It had been more than three months since the theatre incident and nothing had happened after that. Rahul and Rohini visited us a handful of times but every time it was a friendly get-together. I, however, managed to savor a few intimate moments with Rohini. It was mostly at their place, while Rahul and Mansi were out enjoying their morning trail ride.

Mansi and Rahul loved riding and decided to rejuvenate their hobby for riding. Rohini and I tagged along on couple of occasions. I tried my hands at riding but very soon realized that riding was not for me. Rohini was pregnant and hence she couldn't ride so I usually stayed back behind with her. It was partly Rohini's idea that I didn't tag along and give them some privacy. So, soon they realized that decided to go by themselves on those mornings. I still remember how I managed to taste Rohini for the first time in their bed.

That morning Rahul & Mansi left very early, around 5:30 and were not supposed to return until about 9:00am or so.

I woke up at 6:30, freshened and headed towards the kitchen to fetch a glass of water. Rohini was already up and making tea for us. Already in her fifth month pregnancy, her tummy was showing quite some. I gently hugged her from behind and planted a kiss on her neck.
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Re: Diary Of a Cuckold Husband

Post by SID4YOU »

Good morning," she said leaning into me and turning her face towards me.

I learned forward and kissed her lips, returning her gesture, and wished her, "Good morning!" My hands sneaked inside her top and gently kneaded her tummy. Her skin felt so smooth and even -- her tummy too had grown quite big despite her lean build. She, however, didn't put on weight in any undesirable areas. Her ass, though, had increased in size and widened a bit. I wondered if Rahul was screwing her ass, now that she was growing too big to indulge in vaginal sex. She let me fondle her as she carried on with her chores. Although, she realized that I wanted to do more than just knead her tummy. Having finished her chores, she turned around to face me and said, "Do you think anything would happen today?" she asked.

"Not unless, you desire so," I said -- my lips inching closer to hers. Her eyes closed and her lips parted to accommodate my invading tongue. It was a leisurely, yet passionate kiss that lasted for a few minutes. My hands roamed over her body initially and then my left hand rested on her right breast while I squeezed her fleshy butt with my right hand. Rohini didn't hesitate either in gripping my manhood under my pajamas. It was erect and ready to go, despite my last night (long) session with Mansi. Her kiss became forceful as she got hold of my erect dick underneath my pajamas. She had it wrapped in her fingers and still the head was peaking out. I am not so small after all, I thought to myself.

She broke the kiss and wiped her lips on my shirt. I had slobbered all over her mouth in the heat of the moment, most of which she had already gulped down.

"I am not talking about us," she said. Understanding that she was talking about something between Mansi and Rahul I responded, "I don't hope much."

"But you do wish, don't you?" she said tightening her grip on my manhood. I responded to her by leaning into her for another kiss. We moved to their bedroom after this. I helped her with the top and unhooked her bra in no time. This was the first time I saw her naked breasts. Her bust size had definitely increased but was still considerably lower than Mansi's bust size. I worked on each one of them for some time until her nipples were very erect and distended. Her nipples were much larger in comparison to her breast size -- one could easily slide a couple of small rings on her nipples. I wondered, if Rahul would transform Mansi's breast in a similar way.
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